The Long Way Home

After we left Fort Colins, we (at least I) was determined to get home as fast as possible. In retrospect I'm not sure what the motivation for this was. We were tired and at that point had been on the road almost a month. For me it was about seeing Angela and Carter and being in one place for a while (that had clean sheets, and hot water, and a refrigerator, and...).

Dai (Opt Overland) had some parts he need to get to a friend in Park City Utah and since we were generally heading that way pitched in to help. Park City was the home of the 2002 Winter Olympics and is beautiful. Approaching from the east you leave a very unique desert/canyon landscape and hit these amazing green mountains. The most obvious sign that something extraordinary happen there is the massive ski jumps hanging off the side of the mountain.

We stayed in Park City Friday night (StarWars day for the geeks in the room) and got an early start the next morning for the final leg home. We were on the road for about 14 hours and traveled 860 miles. One of the more interesting sites along the way a school bus carrying a llama.
