Joshua Tree

We decided to go for a mondo juxtaposition by moving from Hollywood to Joshua Tree National Park. My prior awareness of JTNP is based on U2's 1987 Album of the same name. I knew it was in the desert, there was some weird Dr. Seuss trees and U2 had been there so that was good enough for me...

We traveled Interstate 10, the same route folks were taking to the Coachella Music Festival and saw several interesting and somewhat enigmatic billboards along the way including this one from the band 30 Seconds to Mars which describes the most popular ways to smuggle drugs into concerts - as if anyone really needed help in that area?

JTNP is difficult to describe. It's rolling desert hills with the ubiquitous Joshua Trees strewn about but there's also these other worldly outcroppings of rock made primarily of White Tank granite. I don't know who or what inspired Bedrock from the Flintstones, but this place was very similar.
