
We made it to Hollywood around 2:00 PM Saturday. I didn't want to come anywhere near LA but Cole had some friends he wanted to see. It was over 80 and not a cloud in the sky, plus as an added bonus a light breeze had momentarily cleared out the brown gook that usually covers the LA Basin.

I'm semi-familiar with this area having worked as a production assistant for a network special called "Tears of Joys, Tears if Sorrow" one summer while in college. It was a pretty cool gig in that I got to visit all the studios and networks picking up and delivering tapes, scripts, coffee, sandwiches and mysterious envelopes. There's a kind of slimy sheen to Hollywood. Some parts of it are beautiful but even when I was tooling around in my Toyota Corolla with no A/C thumbing through the Thomas Guide as a PA, I felt like there was another story below the surface, a more sinister, dare I save evil thing going on.

While Cole connected with his friends I found a "hotel" to stay in Glenwood. Hotel is in quotes because it was a weird combination of cheap hotel and long term rental apartment. I guess Days Inn is looking for additional revenue streams. I'm glad we had a room because I got a horrendous headache and usually the only way I can relieve them is to let hot shower water blast against my head. I took so many showers that I ended up sort of burning my face - or maybe that was sunburn on my Seattle skin? Anyway, when I could stand it no longer I took off for a walk around Glendale which was surprisingly active at 11 PM on a Saturday night. Despite the Missing Persons song from the 80's "Walking in LA" which states that nobody walks in LA, I was surprised to see lots of people and families out walking this night in LA, or at least in Glendale.
