Drama at Macayo's!

We're in Chandler, AZ for a few days visiting my brother George and his family. He's my step brother but I wish we'd grown up together. His wife Pam is one of the those people who does more before 8:00 AM then most do all day. She just finished up her DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) at ASU. When visiting, we often go to a local Mexican restaurant called Macayo's. We met Nancy, my sister and her husband Bob, George's son Michael, Stephen and his wife. Right off the bat we could tell things were a miss as the waiter was clearly new - boy he was trying hard though! For whatever reason, the food took FOREVER. I mean we ordered at 7 and it came around 8-8:15... And to boot, it was cold. Now, I'm usually pretty understanding in this situations, but come on! Now, the interesting twist in this story is my brother George managed this restaurant many years ago! He was held up at gun point and robbed while managing one of the other Macayo branches, but that's another story. George had a chat with Karen the manager who was completely understanding and comp'd our meal... I hate drama, but it was all handled with respect and decorum... 
